Jesus Loves the Little Children

1. Children were brought to Him
- we are called as Christians to bring these kids to Him. If we don't, they may never get the chance to know Him
2. Jesus wanted to bless them
- Jesus has a special blessing for the children, the blessing of knowing Him
3. There were hindrances to the children
- when we aren't seeing the hindrances, we might be a hindrance
4. Jesus teaches humility and grace
5. Jesus rebukes the Disciples
- the disciples rebuked those bringing the children then Jesus turned around and rebuked the disciples
6. Children are an example
7. Jesus blessed them


A Spiritual Life 2

"Save us from too high a doctrine of the Ministry - from supposing that the Minister is the person who makes the us also from too low a doctrine of the Ministry. Ministers are not just full-time servants of the Church....Ministers are God's agents." - Rupert Davies
Some our allegiance is to Jesus Christ, let us strive to be ONE with HIM...
1. One in Mission (v.5-9)
- we are servants. Ministers, church members, church leaders; all are servants of Jesus
- His name is the one we have to be making known - if any other name is lifted higher than His in our life and ministry, we need a change quickly
2. One in Outcome (v.10-17)
- if you're seeking Christ and Him crucified you are building in the right way
- our reward for our faithfulness comes not from anything from the world but from the One we're serving
- are we going to build for God or not?
3. One in Pleasure (v.18-23)
- in the eyes of those we interact with in culture, our allegiance to Jesus will look foolish
- our pleasure needs to be in the things that please God
Is following Jesus Christ your greatest passion?
Committed to His mission?
Excited for His outcome?
Focused on His pleasure?

A Spiritual Life 1

If we have the Spirit, we should be led by the Spirit...
1. Led....Beyond infancy (v.1-2)
- when speaking with those in the infant stage we need to be sure to feed them something easy to digest about Christ at first
- be sure to not keep them just in infant food. To grow, we need more "meaty" of spiritual food
- at some point we need to leave infancy behind
2. Led....Toward maturity (v.3)
- fleshy means concerned with only yourself
- how to know if your fleshy? Look at the relationships in your life (family, church family, neighbors). Is there still jealousy and strife within these relationships?
3. Led....Away from disunity (v.4)
- we need to follow Jesus for the reason of anything else we try to follow is only temporary.
- when we all follow the same Lord, we find unity growing between us
Do you believe Jesus is Lord?
You ARE in dwelt by the Spirit
What is your spiritual appetite?
What is your spiritual diet producing?

Knowing God

When we hold onto something, God isn't able to bless us the way He desires to. We can't let the blessings of yesterday stifle the blessings of tomorrow
Because knowing demands receiving, let us receive so we can know.
1. Let us receive THE Spirit (v.1-5)
- if you are alive in spirit, the Spirit of God is alive in you
- even though it's hard for us to accept the fact that God lives within us because we know ourselves, the truth is if we are saved, God's spirit truly is within us
- just because we are alive and breathing doesn't mean He's the one leading
2. Let us receive THE Wisdom (v.6-13)
- the wisdom that we need is not something that we can attain outside of scripture
- the wisdom that God has is hidden from the world
- how will living by God's wisdom distinguish us from those who are living by worldly wisdom?
3. Let us receive THE Christ (v.14-16)
- don't be wowed by all the "Little c" christs in the world
- if we want to be what God wants us to be, we must have the mind of Christ