A Fool's Wisdom

Seven Symptoms of a Sick and Dying Church - Bob Mills "Autopsy of a Deceased Church"
1. The best days were in the past
2. Decline in baptisms, worship, giving
3. Programs and ministries of the church are directed at the church members rather than on the needs of the community i.e. Little to no outreach
4. Failure to evaluate the effectiveness of ministry in regards with ministerial outcomes
5. Lack of an intentional disciple-making process
6. Failure to recognize that we no longer live in a "church" culture
7. Lack of prayer
Are we as a church dying or living?
Because human wisdom brings death, we must live according to God's wisdom.
1. God's wisdom contradicts (18-25)
- not a contradiction, but contradicts worldly wisdom
- we need to understand that we are susceptible to worldly wisdom
Jesus was crucified yet now lives - that's our message to live on
2. God's wisdom qualifies (26-31)
- not for the world, but qualifies us in the eyes of God
Are we living or dying?
Is our wisdom contradicting that of the world?
Does our wisdom exalt God?

The Church Has to Be the Church

The Church has to be the Church
If we have given ourselves to God let us be set apart for Him...
1. Set apart for companionship v.1-3
- the cross unites us with God and with each other. This unity should be seen in the church
2. Set apart for completion v.4-7
- there is a completion to our lives that is only brought about by God
- sin directs us away from this completion
3. Set apart for cooperation v.8-17
- our church is not meant for uniformity, but to be united around a purpose
- our objective is to share the message of the Gospel and we have to unite around that common goal
Is Jesus our constant companion?
Do we anticipate our perfection?
Is cooperation among other believers a priority?