A Happy Dog

Since the outcome of faith produces happiness, let us believe...
1. Believe for others (21-22)
• are we responding to the people that are causing havoc in our lives the same way this lady responded to her troubled daughter?
• we need to be lifting these people in our lives continually to the Lord
2. Believe during anomaly (23-24)
• anomaly = something out of the ordinary
• we need to be careful to stick to our path God has set us out on. Be patient and willing to minister where you're at, but don't loose your focus on where God is leading you
3. Believing through distress (25-28)
• continue in the prayer "Lord, help me"
• even in distress, we need to never doubt that God is able to come through
Do you experience happiness in Christ through your faith?
...happiness with others?
...happiness in the unusual?
...happiness through distress?