Thriving Church

"Legalism lacks the supreme sense of worship. It obeys but it does not adore" - Geerhardus Vos
Because a thriving church glorifies God, let us heal so we can thrive...
1. A thriving church prays (13a,14-15)
- if prayer is so important to us, why don't we take the valuable time to communicate with Him?
- one of the biggest areas the enemy attacks is our prayer life because he knows the power of an active prayer life
- Jesus is the only one who has access to the presence of God so anyone affiliated with Jesus has the same rights as He does to come before God
2. A thriving church sings (13b)
- music belongs to God because it originated in the heart of God
3. A thriving church trusts (16-18)
- this type of church holds each other accountable but shows the compassion to not use the confession as ammunition
- we need to grow into the church that those with us feel comfortable to open up about their struggles
4. The thriving church saves (19-20)
- how can we know that God is with our church? By the transformation of the community we are in
Are we a thriving (healthy) church?
Is it evident..
...In our prayer ministry?
...In our worship and praise?
...By the trust we have in one another?
...In our outreach meeting?

Hope's Endurance

Hope's Endurance
James 5:7-11

Because grumbling revels doubt, Christians must wait upon the Lord...
- grumbling within a group revels the group has lost their way
1. Wait with anticipation (7-8)
- the Lord knows the future. We need to not worry, but just wait for God to come through just like He says He will
2. Wait with consideration (9)
- we must be patient with each other and understand we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
3. Wait with adoration (10-11)
- we give God our time and attention because He's worthy of it. He deserves our best of everything
Are you grumbling or believing?
Believing means that you are...
Anticipating His coming!
Considering others!
Adoring God!

Wealth's Illusion

Wealth's Illusion
James 5:1-6

Because true wealth comes by knowing Christ, let us pursue wealth...
1. By hoarding eternal riches (1-3)
- we must be sure that the blessings we have been given we aren't keeping out of the circulation of God blessings - meaning, if we hide away the blessings God has given us, He can't use them to help someone else too
- we must not save out of fear, where we are relying on what we save to supply for our needs of tomorrow. Save what God has directed you to save, but give what He tells us to give, and rely on Him to supply your needs that come in the tomorrow times
2. By practicing fair trade (4)
- the Christian should be on the frontline of fighting for fairness for those who can't fight
3. By seeking godly pleasures (5)
- often addictions set in when we are finding pleasures outside of God
- all things are good for us that God has made, but when we seek them outside of God this is when problems arise
4. By helping other people (6)
- we must learn how our wealth can help others
What kind of wealth are you pursuing?
Is it an eternal wealth?
Does it promote fairness?
Does it lead to a greater love for God?
Does it help others prosper?
Our hope should be that we are so in love with Jesus that if we ever want wealth, we must go through Jesus to find it

Ministry of Restoration

April 13

Fighting the Good Fight

April 6